The lanterns were adorned with paintings of New Taipei City’s Yehliu Geopark, the tourist town of Jiufen (九份) and Tokyo’s iconic Sky Tree and Senso-ji.
In Tainan, the traditional Yanshui Beehive Fireworks (鹽水蜂炮) festival was held with three 13m-tall LED-lit fireworks insta青創貸款計畫書範例llations. Participants wore layers of protective clothing, as fireworks were shot from beehive-like boxes to “drive away evil spirits.”
In Miaoli County, the festival was celebrated with the “bombing of the dragon” tradition, a practice that sees people throwing firecrackers at men dressed as dragons during a parade at night.
The nation celebrated the annual Lantern Festival yesterday with various festivities of a uniquely local flavor.
The idea comes from the multiple meanings of the Chinese word “wang” (旺), which can m信貸條件ean both the flourishing of a fire and also prosperity.
The parade was led by a fleet of custom-made motorcycles on Zhonghua Road, followed by a line of performance groups and floats, which spanned 700m.
Revelers throw firecrackers at the feet of dancing dragons in the belief that the more firecrackers thrown, the greater the prosperity that will come to those throwing them.
Its n信用瑕疵貸款ame was a reference to the carnival’s location and theme.
Aside from the Taiwan Lantern Festival, which this year took place in Yunlin County’s Huwei Township (虎尾), performances, handicrafts and lanterns are on display in Taoyuan, Kaohsiung and Hualien.
BOMBING THE DRAGON: In Miaoli County, men dressed as dragons have firecrackers thrown at them during a parade to bring the thrower prosperity
By Lin Hsin-han, Sean Lin and高雄汽車借款免留車 William Hetherington / Staff reporters, with staff writer and CNA
The air in Taitung County’s Chihshang Township (池上) was permeated with the smell of saltpeter as locals held their traditional Bombing of Master Handan (炸寒單) ceremony — throwing firecrackers at men representing the mythical figure Handan and his troupe as it moved through the township on a “tour of inspection.”
New Taipei City’s Yehliu (野柳) held its annual h銀行公會債務協商a車子二胎貸款台灣銀行借款利率>銀行貸款利率2017民間信貸台北>青年創業貸款2017r台南小額借款bor purificat台北民間貸款ion festival, in which revelers braved the cold to patrol and pur民間信貸利息勞工貸款條件ify the harbor and carry idols of local gods over hot co玉山銀行車貸利率als.
Taipei Lantern Festival festivities reached new heights yesterday as r台中支票貼現債務協商後貸款e郵局小額貸款農地持分貸款貸款試算車貸>車貸銀行推薦銀行信用瑕疵貸款v什麼是房貸二胎卡債協商專線elers took part in a carnival in the Ximending (西門町) area featuring colorful floats and performance groups銀行土地貸款額.車貸利率算法小額借款3萬>高雄市貸款代辦公司
The Lantern Festival, also known as Yuan Xiao (元宵), is traditionally held on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It is one of Taiwan’s three main festivals, along with the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.
An 8m-tall float portraying an anime version of the sea goddess Matsu, created by cartoonist Wei Tsung-cheng (韋宗成), was among the carnival’s highlights.
“West Side Story,” a float featuring a bird-like creature carrying a miniature of Taipei’s historic North Gate, at 17m was the longest float among the 41 floats displayed.
A Hakka saying is: “The more you bomb [the dragons] the greater the prosperity” (越炸越旺).
“It is freezing tonight,急需現金3萬 but a flame of passion has been ignited in the old town in the west e代書借款陷阱nd,” Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) said.
In New Taipei City, more than 100 sky lanterns were released in Pingsi District (平溪), including 20 portraying images from popular tourist spots in Japan and Taiwan.